Sandwell Advocacy

Heart of England Community Foundation Award Vital Grant

We are really pleased to announce that our application to the Heart of England Community Foundations ‘Doing Things Differently Fund’ has been approved.  This grant will provide much-needed funds that will go towards the vital work we are doing in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In particular, this grant will fund the Sandwell Together service which aims to provide human contact and emotional support for those affected by the pandemic.  This service offers a vital lifeline for those experiencing loneliness and isolation provided by a team of volunteers.  Sandwell Together volunteers offer their time freely and a listening ear for those who are in isolation or shielding and therefore have little or no contact with the outside world.

Sandwell Together is a telephone befriending service that offers emotional support that addresses issues associated with social isolation such as loneliness, anxiety, depression and fear.  To date, almost 100 volunteers have supported nearly 200 residents throughout Sandwell.  This grant will enable us to focus our efforts on recruiting more volunteers and reach more residents in need of support.

For more information on either becoming a Sandwell Together volunteer or to refer someone in need of a friendly listening ear please call 0121 520 8070 or email 

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