Sandwell Advocacy

Advocacy Project for Young Carers

Advocacy works to protect children and young people from harm and abuse and ensures their rights are safeguarded. We empower young carers to have greater control over their everyday lives.  We work with young carers who find it difficult to say what they want and need.  Our approach looks at the holistic needs of the young carer and their family.  Advocacy is about empowering young people to make sure their rights are respected and their views and wishes are heard at all times.

Referrals are taken from the individuals themselves, from a third party or an agency.  These can be taken by phone, email or face to face.

The project supports young carers and their families to:

  • Understand what support is required and explore avenues around this.
  • Lessen the impact that caring responsibilities have for children and young people by accessing appropriate support services.
  • Ensure that relevant care assessments have been completed so that young carers and their families have access to suitable support.
  • Provide peer support and activities that enable young carers to share their experiences and offer peer support.
  • Young carers to access our User Engagement Group to shape the delivery and development of advocacy provision.
  • Places young carers at the heart of the decision making process in a range of settings such as children’s social care and schools/education.

Take a look at our new film which features professionals, service users and staff talking about their roles and experiences of Sandwell Advocacy.

Advocacy Project for Young Carers
‘Providing independent support for young carers and their families in Sandwell’

To receive support, make a referral or if you would like to know more about becoming a volunteer:

If you have any further queries with regards to making a referral, please contact our team to discuss in more detail.

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