Sandwell Advocacy

Our Trustees

Trustee Responsibilities:

Sandwell Advocacy is a registered Charity and is regulated by the Charity Commission. We are guided by their recommended Code of Conduct which simply means that we are committed to the aims and values of Sandwell Advocacy and always act in the best interests of the organisation.

When joining the Board of Trustees (also known as the Management Committee) we agree:

  • To be a pool of expertise and give advice, using our knowledge and life experience to make informed decisions.
  • To provide support for the Project Coordinator who is delegated the management of the organisation.

Together the Management Committee Members undertake 4 key duties:

  • Determine Mission and Strategy – we set the organisation’s direction and determine how it will get there.
  • Be Accountable – we act with integrity, being held to account for the actions of the organisation to maintain public confidence and trust.
  • Make effective decisions – we should be informed and rigorous, debating the issues effecting the operation of the organisation.
  • Manage Risk – we monitor systems which identify risks and control the use of assets including finances.


Meet Our Trustees:

Gurdeep Hanspaul

Gurdeep Hanspaul


Gurdeep joined Sandwell Advocacy as a Trustee in November 2020. She has been volunteering for the Sandwell Together project since almost the start of the pandemic since May 2020 and so has an understanding of issues that older adults are experiencing due to loneliness and isolation. She has worked in the voluntary sector for most of her career, managing various projects that support those who are vulnerable, including pregnant women; victims of crime; unemployment for the NEET group, amongst others. Gurdeep has a keen interest in Safeguarding as well as listening to the experiences of service users across a range of services.

Lesley Donnelly

Lesley Donelly


Lesley has been involved with Sandwell Advocacy since June 2009. Family members were the recipients of support from Sandwell Advocacy and it was after this experience that Lesley was invited to join Sandwell Advocacy Management Committee, initially as a trustee and later she was elected to the position of Chair. Lesley was employed for many years in the training industry, adult education, and the field of complementary therapies. She is committed to the continuation and progression of an organisation that supports people at the most vulnerable periods of their lives.

Geraldine Brown

Geraldine Brown


Geraldine has been a Trustee at Sandwell Advocacy since January 2012 and has a range of work related experience working with marginalised and vulnerable individuals, families and communities.

Pat Golding

Patricia Golding


Patricia has worked across both the public and private sector in customer facing roles including welfare and housing. Patricia was formerly a volunteer advisor at her local Citizens Advice Bureau and currently works in local government.

Carmen Tulloch

Carmen Tulloch


Carmen joined our management committee in January 2021. Carmen is currently a student studying Working for Children, Young People and Families at Birmingham City University. Carmen grew up as a young carer and has been volunteering for our Advocacy for Young Carers project since 2013.

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