Sandwell Advocacy is commissioned by Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council who are responsible for monitoring standards of care. We have been providing an independent advocacy service to people in a variety of care settings in Sandwell since 2013.
Residents, relatives and service users are invited to complete monitoring questionnaires which focus on the quality of the care provider and of the care they receive. We provide assistance to those that need it to enable people to have a voice, share their experiences and give opinions as to what they would like to see happen in their care settings. The service has been delivered to those who live in Nursing, Residential, Extra Care settings and those who attend a Day Centre Unit.
The Advocacy Feedback Support Service supports people to:
- Have a meaningful voice around planning and delivery of their care and support services.
- Be involved in feeding back about daycare, residential and nursing care providers.
- Allows relatives to provide their opinion on the care and support received by their loved ones.
- Raise any issues or concerns that arise from completion of questionnaires with care providers and/or other professionals.

To receive support, make a referral or if you would like to know more about becoming a volunteer:
- Contact us: 0121 520 8070
- Email: sandwelladvocacy@btconnect.comm
If you have any further queries with regards to making a referral, please contact our team to discuss in more detail.