My name is Louise Jones and I’m the Volunteer Co-ordinator for Sandwell Advocacy. Before taking up this role about a year ago, I worked as a solicitor for nearly 30 years but have also held a number of voluntary roles. These have included being on the Board of Trustees of a disability charity, working as an Early Help Volunteer for Walsall Council, volunteering on the Voices and Choices and Adult Feedback Support Service for Sandwell Advocacy and volunteering as a telephone befriender for Aldridge Linking Lives. At the moment I volunteer at a local secondary school in reading support.
I have really enjoyed all my volunteering roles and also my current role as Volunteer Co-ordinator. It’s great to feel that I’m making a difference ( I know it sounds a bit clichéd but it’s true) and I have met some wonderful people both at work and also amongst the other volunteers. Volunteering has also helped me to gain new skills and make a career change at 61 – not always easy!
All in all, volunteering has been an entirely positive experience for me and I would recommend it to anyone who feels they have some spare time, would like to meet new people, learn something new, or make use of old skills and want to contribute or help to make a difference in some way.