Helen holding training certificates.
Helen holding training certificates.

This is a common statement, but also true. We all have a responsibility to ensure that everyone in our community can live free from fear and abuse, and where this isn’t happening that we know what to do about it.

Staff, volunteers and trustees at Sandwell Advocacy take our responsibility to safeguarding very seriously, whether we are working with vulnerable adults or children and young people.  The principles of safeguarding remain the same, regardless of the age of people we support.

With adults safeguarding means protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It is about people and organisations working together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect, while at the same time making sure that the adult’s wellbeing is promoted including, where appropriate, having regard to their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs in deciding on any action. This must recognise that adults sometimes have complex interpersonal relationships and may be ambivalent, unclear or unrealistic about their personal circumstances.

In terms of children and young people we ensure that any engagement with or on behalf of children and young people that:

  • The welfare of the children and young people is paramount.
  • All children and young people whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and/or sexual identity, have the right to protection from abuse.
  • All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.

Safeguarding is integral to the role and intervention of advocacy and as such we have a clear set of policies and procedures to deal with any issues that may arise effectively.  We recognise the importance of adopting a multi-agency approach to keep people safe and we have links to both Sandwell’s Safeguarding Children Board and Sandwell’s Safeguarding Adults Board.  We ensure that everyone involved with Sandwell Advocacy has the right training and awareness to identify the signs of different forms of abuse and know what to do when any concerns arise.

In line with our commitment to safeguarding we were delighted when Helen Charles (our Senior Independent Advocate) recently completed her training in Level 3 Safeguarding Adults Training and Level 3 Designated Safeguarding Lead Training (Children and Young People).  Whilst it is important that members of our team have the necessary skills to undertake their roles, it is also great to see them pursue their personal development goals.  Completing this training is evidence that Helen has the confidence and knowledge to deal with safeguarding concerns effectively.  It also means that she is well placed to support other members of the team to understand their responsibilities, make informed decisions and take appropriate action.

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