Caring Cooks Evaluation

The evaluation report of our Caring Cooks Project has now been published.

Thanks to funding from the People’s Postcode Trust the project commenced in July 2018. The project aimed to deliver the following activities:

  • Healthy eating and food preparation to create healthy food from ingredients commonly supplied by local foodbanks
  • Food hygiene accreditation
  • Understanding how local foodbanks work and how the project could engage with them
  • Understanding how locally grown organic healthy food can be produced that is affordable and accessible
  • Growing organic healthy food
  • Producing a series of films, blogs and vlogs that highlight the experiences, journey and outcomes of the young people taking part
  • Producing a digital toolkit showcasing the achievements of this project and how other groups and organisations can replicate the project activities on a wider scale

The Evaluation Report can be found here.

Links to our digital toolkit can be found here.

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